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Banana Pudding Cookies


Thank you @allsweetreats for sharing this recipe!

1 yellow no-sugar Cake mix by @pillsbury

1/2 cup butter

12 ounces half and half

2 eggs

2 banana pudding boxes @simplydelishnatural (use code LIFTINGISCAKE)

Wafers @highkeysnacks i found them at sprouts

I added vanilla because I love 1/2 tablespoon vanilla extract (optional)

And I scooped and rolled in my hand and flatten they don’t really spread they keep shape. Before rolling clean hands add some kind of oil.

What I found most intriguing about this recipe was the freeze time. Like are they going to scoop in an hour and a they sure did.

Amazing recipe that is so good!!! Even my husband was like wow! And hasn’t stopped eating them. And for me this is beyond a treat because I am not a huge fan traditional banana bread pudding I am not into soggy wafers lol and to be honest I have never had one before keto/lowcarb so maybe I never had it made right lol

I am telling you I’d you have carbs to spear you must make this for Santa!

Watch video here BANANA COOKIES


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